Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Uphill from here . . . I hope

So here's the pain meds story: as we left the hospital, the nurse told me to start with the hydrocodone, but right before bed, change over to the stronger pain medicine, something new called Nucentra, so that I could stay ahead of the pain that would come when the local block wore off in the night.  Nucentra was hard to find (Jon had to go to four pharmacies, and when he did find one that had it, the pharmacist had to get it out of the safe!)  I started taking it, but had a horrible night. I would take the Nucentra and fall asleep, then be woken up two hours later in severe pain, but not able to take anything for two more hours.  This went on all night and all day Tuesday.  Finally, exhausted by fighting this incredible pain all day, I called and spoke to the doctor on call. She said, "Don't mess with the Nucentra.  My patients only ever have hydrocodone, and they never have a problem staying ahead of the pain.  Switch to the hydrocodone and stay on it.  Elevate your foot, and you should be fine."  It actually occurred to me in the middle of the day to try switching back to hydrocodone, but I had been convinced by the doc and nurses and pharmacists that the Nucentra was so much stronger.  As soon as I switched over, at 7 pm this evening, I felt so much better.  What an ordeal!

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