Monday, November 22, 2010

A la carte . . .

Well, the deed is done!  Surgery went off without a hitch. Good thing I was on my toes during the pre-op check-in, though, because the nurse had the WRONG foot written down on the surgical orders.  She read me the procedure for the left foot, off her chart, and I said, "NO!  The RIGHT foot.  The right foot, oh my goodness. The RIGHT foot!"  I was laughing and almost shouting, because that's the sort of thing one hears about but never imagines will actually happen this close to home.  She she scratched through it and wrote RIGHT and made me initial it.  When she walked away from the chart, I said, "Jon, go over there and get a picture of that paper for my blog!"  As soon as he approached the chart another nurse saw him and said, "Sir.  Sir.  You can't read the chart!"  Sheesh.
When Dr. B came in to discuss the surgery with me, I looked on the menu and picked another procedure a la carte, just for good measure.  I told him my fourth toe is turned sideways, and so it hurts a lot and gets this horrible blister on it and what do you think?  He told me a few different options for surgically fixing it.  I hesitated, because I had asked both podiatrists that I consulted the same question, and they has said, "Yeah, I could fix it, but I guarantee you'll complain about it more than the big toe repair."  Such an important decision to make in just a few seconds!  So unlike me. What about the tons of googling and hours of research I would normally put into it? But Dr. B encouraged it, and so did the anesthesiologist standing around giving his two cents worth, so I decided to go for it!  Now I have officially had a Chevron Bunionectomy with Akin Procedure and Hammertoe Correction of the Fourth Toe. Let's hope I don't live to regret it! Here's a picture of my "yikes!" expression, just after I decided:

First post-op pic, comin' at ya:  


  1. As I showed Evan the picture of your feet post-surgery he giggled and said, "BAMBADE!". That's the biggest band-aid he's ever seen.
