Sunday, November 21, 2010

Last day!

Today is the last day my right foot will look like it has for 25 years.  The big ole bump sticking out the side will be gone!  It's amazing and kinda freaky to think about.  The countdown timer on this blog at this writing says 21 hours, 12 minutes.  I am racing the clock, with 10 tasks still on my "to do before surgery" list.  So this post is short!  Here, for the record, is a "before" pic of my feet.  Last day . . .

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I'm sooooo very happy for you sis. How exciting that you will for the first time in a LONG time have pain-free feet on a DAILY basis. Woohoo! This calls for a celebration! Hey, did you ever reveal which post surgery get-around contraption you chose? The anticipation is killin me!
