Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 6 . . .

  • Yesterday was the first day I was able to space out the pain meds somewhat.
  • This morning I actually slept in--not woken up at 6 am needing to take something for the pain.
  •  I can wiggle my toes!
  • I still can't put any weight on the foot, even just to touch it down for balance.
  • Last night I put on the surgical shoe that I'm supposed to be wearing each time I get up, and it made my foot ache so badly within minutes that I took it off.  What's that about?
This process obviously takes patience.  I can't WAIT until Thursday when I get my stitches out.  I want to see my new foot!  I'll try to put a bit of weight on my foot today and let you know how it goes.  After all, I can't live in this recliner forever, can I?

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