Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ambulation--it's a beautiful thing

I recall learning in elementary school science class that animals are distinguished from plants by the trait of locomotion--we can move around.  As I get closer to my surgery, I've been ruminating a lot on the gift of free locomotion.  I like to go, go, go, and it's hard to keep me down.  Although I am really looking forward to the great excuse to chill in my recliner and read/watch movies for a week, after that it's pretty safe to say I'll be restless, and I'll need to return to work.  Working with multiple grade levels at my school  means I can't just sit at my desk and prop my foot.  I'm all over that building on a typical day.  I dread the thought of crutches, so I did what modern man does when confronted with a problem--I Googled it.  (Do we still have to capitalize Google when we use it as a verb??)
Who knew there were such interesting crutch alternatives out there?  I've found two I really like.  One sounds cool and fun, and the other seems more practical.  I'm currently trying to decide which has the greater likelihood of causing me to fall and break my neck (Julie Grace)!  So, Faithful Readers, let's put it to a vote.  Check out the videos in the following 2 posts and then cast your ballot.  Which one should I get?  Cast your vote in the polling place to the right. 


  1. I voted for the iWALKFree, but then I sell them - I'm the UK distributor! I bought one back in February when I broke my ankle slipping on an icy pavement and learnt swiftly how much I hated crutches.

    To me the question seems to be one of what surfaces you want to get around on. It looks like the RollerFoot is easier to use but only works on smooth surfaces. It took me a while to get used to the iWALKFree - about an hour around the house hanging onto things and then a walk outdoors with railings to grab. After that I was pretty confident and able to wear it easily for a few hours at a time while getting around a building site.

  2. The roller foot has a less creepy-looking factor going for it, but I think the potential for spills would be greater. It seems like you'd have less control with a contraption on wheels. iWALKFree is a great invention, just don't be surprised if you get alot of double-takes! That thing just looks strange/creepy to me (no offense Jezza).

  3. Jezza, thanks for commenting! Last week, I saw on the iWALKFree website the following: "We now have a distributor holding stock in the United Kingdom for next-day delivery." And here you are! I just checked out your website, . It looks good!

    Jen, did you really just join the ranks of people who think I'm too clutzy for the RollerFoot? Hmmphh. I feel like gettin' it just to SHOW everyone that I won't fall. Sheesh. Re: the strangeness of iWALKFree . . . yeah, from the front it looks as if you've lost a lower limb.

  4. Hello, I think the crutch looks pretty cool as long as it then doesn't start putting pressure on your knee. (I have bad knees.) The shoes look like a blast IF you're good on skates. Just imagine how fast you could whip around school in those things, Julie! Better than walking!
