Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The big reveal . . .

Credits . . . Videography by Kayla . . . Ripstick Stuntman Jono.


  1. Whoa wait...was that contraption even one of the original choices? I so would have voted for that if it was.

  2. Nope, I didn't even put the kneewalker to a vote, because I thought it was too dorky. But then when all my readers were so WORRIED that I would take a tumble on the Amazing Rollerfoot, I started thinking maybe the kneewalker really was more my speed after all. Turns out, it's the best thing since sliced bread, WAYYYY better than the crutches they sent me home with.

  3. Best of both worlds! Glad you're feeling better and at least you're up and around! Great video!
