Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hop, hop, plop

It's easier to compose a cutesy title for this post now, but last night the event in question felt pretty tragic.  I was trying to take some bottles and cardboard from the kitchen to our garage recycling area.  I got as far as the laundry room on my scooter, then had to abandon it to get out the door to the garage.  So, with recycling in hand, I hopped on one foot to the door, opened it, and proceeded to hop out to the garage.  Unfortunately, my hopping foot landed smack on the raised doorjam and my ankle twisted, sending me down.  I guess I instinctively put out my surgery foot and ended up landing with all my weight on the newly fixed big toe.  I did not have my protective surgical shoe on (I know, I know--believe me, I've gotten all the scolding I need), so my toe bent pretty far backward before I finally crumpled to the ground.  I just sat there in disbelief that it had happed, crying with the pain and so afraid that I had messed up Dr. B's good work.  I gathered myself, answered the questions of everyone who came running, and slunk off to bed, knowing that my 7:30 in the morning appointment for stitches out would include x-rays.
When I told the tale at Dr. B's office the next morning, they were none too happy with me.  But Dr. B gave the x-ray an extra close perusal and proclaimed that no damage had been done.  I was so relieved!  My foot is SO VERY TENDER after that tumble.  I've definitely learned a lesson and am being much more careful now.
Here are today's pics (Day 13 after surgery):

I ended up on Dr. B's bad list a second time today when I asked him to write me orders for physical therapy.  He agreed but never did write them out.  So I chased down his nurse and asked her for them.  She and I had to wait until he came out from a patient room, then when she asked him, they had a big pow-wow.  When she  got finished writing up the orders he had given her, she gave them to me but said, "He's not happy about this.  He had me print out your surgery report to attach to the orders.  And I'm writing gentle extension of the joint on the orders."  When I questioned her further, she said, "You just had surgery. He normally would wait for 3-4 more weeks before sending you to therapy."  What's the rush, you ask?  I scheduled my surgery for the last full week of school in order to minimize personal days taken, but also early enough that I could get all my follow-up visits to Dr. B and physical therapy in before my insurance rolls over on July 1st. When that happens, I'll begin a new $700 deductible, and since my employer is switching to a new insurer, we have to do a 2-month gap plan.  So on September 1st, an entirely NEW $700 deductible starts again.  My goal is no medical expenses between July 1st and September 1st.  Ah, the insurance game, don't we all love it?


  1. OH, I can't stand to read about that! Ouch ouch ouch! You take-good-care of yourself.

    (Did you see what I did there?)

  2. Haha, awesome. Thanks, sis, you're-the-best!
