Friday, June 10, 2011

Bunionectomy Buddies

Today I had a group of teachers over to my house to work on curriculum writing.  Since it's a committee formed from all over the district, there are some teachers I don't know at all.  One of them rang my doorbell, saw me answer it on my knee-walker, and exclaimed, "Oh!  What did you do?"  I replied, "Foot surgery."  She immediately kicked off her sandal and said, "Me too, in February!" I looked down and saw the characteristic bunion scar and a nice-sized bunion still hanging out on her other foot.  I then kicked off my right sandal and said, "Here's mine from November!"  All of which launched a long discussion about surgeons, recovery times, going back to work at a school on one foot, our mothers' bunions, on and on.  We had an immediate bond.  Bunion buddies--we know one another by our stigmata.  Great club.  Sorry dear readers, not all of you can join!

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Bunion sufferers--we are likely to kick off our shoes and show them at any provocation.

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