Saturday, October 2, 2010

Melancholy me

It's true, I'm sad and discouraged today because in the cool air and glorious sunshine, over 32,000 Houstonians are gathering, stretching their calves and quads, and racing for the cure.  Those of you who read my FB posts about Couch to 5K know that I was soooo excited about this race as the first goal of my running program. Then, bunion pain hit, and I had to stop running. At this point, I don't even dare walk the 5K, as I'm sure my right big toe would object heartily. I've been moping about it, but also reading two different books that are helping me put such things in perspective and look for the ultimate purpose behind some of my travails, so here's my new orientation toward my failed attempt to become a runner and toward the Komen Race for the Cure:

Starting this running program brought the degeneration in my big toe joint to light in a big way, as the screaming pain got my attention. Now, I'm being proactive: getting new orthotics and planning surgery to correct the joint structure and save what cartilage I have left. The ultimate goal is pain-free feet--a luxury I've not had since my 20's!  If I'm going to walk on them for 45 more years (and why not!), then it's time to make sure they can go that distance.  

SO: next October there will be another Komen race. It's my new goal. Will I walk it? Will I run it? Will I WIN it?  (lol, that one made me laugh)  Who wants to come to Houston and run that race with me on my new feet in a year?


  1. Ooooo...I want to run it with you!! Sorry you're missing out this year sis...I know how hard you had been training and how excited you were to run your first 5K ever. Sometimes we can only be there in spirit, and that in itself can be healing. Focus on what you need to do know to reach your goal of pain-free feet and then look forward to what you can do with those feet! I love you!

  2. I would lovelovelove to plan to run that with you!!
